Das VIEPA Photo Award Ausstellungsbuch
Das VIEPA Photo Award Ausstellungsbuch
Read MoreDas VIEPA Photo Award Ausstellungsbuch
Read MoreDie LIK Akademie für Foto und Design ist eine der wenigen europäischen Institution, die auf der internationalen Kunstmesse Vienna Contemporary Art Fair ausstellt. Besuchen Sie uns am Stand B33.
Read MoreMichaela Krauss-Boneau
Als Projektleiterin für unsere Gemeinschaftsausstellung hatte ich die Aufgabe das Fotografen-Team zu führen, wie ein Dirigent seine Musiker und als Fotografin meine Kamera zu führen, wie ein Musiker sein Instrument.
Eine Gemeinschaftsausstellung bedeutet eine sehr große Herausforderung für FotografInnen, die ihren eigenen, persönlichen Stil gefunden haben und professionell damit arbeiten. Nun heißt es nämlich sich zusammenzutun, um das Ziel zu verfolgen nicht die eigene Handschrift in den Vordergrund zu stellen, sondern etwas gemeinsames zu kreieren, so dass der Betrachter ein einheitliches Produkt wahrnehmen kann.
Wir, die FotografInnen haben, entweder jede/r für sich oder auch in Kleinteams, Profi-Musiker ins Studio geholt oder auf diversen Locations getroffen, um ihre intensive Beziehung mit ihren Instrumenten einzufangen, die Intimität der beiden fotografisch festzuhalten und die musikalischen Emotionen über Bilder auszudrücken.
Natürlich gab es gewisse Vorgaben für den Bildstil wie die Verwendung bzw Eingrenzung bestimmter Brennweiten, einen neutralen Hintergrund zu verwenden und schwarz-weiß Ergebnisse zu liefern.
Fotografisch habe ich von mir verlangt eine strenge Linie zu halten und nicht zu experimentieren. Das verlangte einerseits die Vorgabe der Gemeinschaftsausstellung, aber vor allem stand für mich persönlich einzig das Motiv im Vordergrund anstatt mich fotografisch, künstlerisch ausleben zu können.
Um diese intensive Beziehung zwischen dem/der Musiker/in und seinem/ihrem Instrument einzufangen, war es mir sehr wichtig jeglichen Umgebungslärm auszuschalten, so habe ich meine Musiker/innen alle ins Fotostudio geholt, ihr Instrument durchgehend spielen lassen und kam auch so zum Genuss tief in die Emotionen ihres musikalischen Verhältnisses einzutauchen.
Michaela Krauss-Boneau
Claudia Spieß hat die Impressionen des ersten Ausstellungstages festgehalten.
Travel the World
Nadja Gusenbauer - Eric Berger
Foto: Marokko by Nadja Gusenbauer
Die Galerie LIK zeigt im September einen Auszug aus ihren Arbeiten die von Südamerika bis Asien entstanden sind.
Art Fair Málaga '17 - I International Contemporary Art Fair, which will take place at the Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga from June 30th to July 2nd, 2017, has already opened its call, and proposes as a novelty respect to other art salons the integration in a single space, the galleries that seek to enter and consolidate in the international exhibition agenda, as well as those self-represented artists who have not yet had the opportunity to have their work recognized and valued in its total magnitude.
With an exhibition space of 6,000 m2 that can hold more than 400 artists and 50 art galleries, it will become the second largest International Contemporary Art Fair in Spain.
Martin Gallego Montero, Director of Art Fair Malaga'17explains that "our concept is to generate a space of visibility, because we understand that there are many and very good artists who have not yet enter the art market, do not have a gallery that represents them, and do not have access to trade fairs, since in Spain almost all the trade fairs are just for galleries".
On the other hand "increasingly there are fewer galleries and many of them do not have access to the fairs, either for participation costs reasons, or because they are marginalized if they do not present a program of the exhibitions that have previously attended". That is why our slogans are "WE BELIEVE IN OPPORTUNITIES, AND WE CREATE THEM" and "YOUR WORK IS YOUR STORY, NOT YOUR CURRICULUM".
"We've thought the fair from a concept of service to the Exhibitor, focused on providing a space and facilities of first quality, and with affordable participation costs. A space where to establish a network of direct contacts between artists, galleries and the public, without intermediaries or commissions, promoting a new culture of collecting, and recovering the old concept of the Fair as a sales site. The public and the collector find it very attractive to be able to meet the artist, and to hear from their own mouth the stories behind each work", adds the Director of Art Fair Málaga'17.
Art Fair Málaga ' 17 hopes to attract more than 12,000 visitors in its first edition with the aim of bringing art to a wide audience that, besides touring the different stands, may participate in the lecture programs, conferences and live painting, performances and recreational activities.
Der argentinische Fotokünstler in der Galerie LIK.
Read MoreDie Abzüge der Ausstellung "Between Intervalls" sind im Format 50 x 70 cm im Pigmentdruck handsigniert von Maren Klemp.
Hier finden Sie alle Werke im Galerie LIK Fotokunst Online Shop!
"It is assumed that the greatest contribution you can make as an artist, taking the reality lived in perspective, is your personal "view" radically poetic in the scenery of spaces, absent of people. In this sense, the photographic work of Guillermo de Angelis is paradigmatic. The camera lens is pure subjectivity in terms of that his "view" is the conceptual and essential character of his poetic account about the "unreal", as it should be, and as should do a visual poet."
Luis Eduardo Aute: (Manila, 1943) Musician, singer, film director, actor, sculptor, writer, painter and spanish poet.
“(…) Special attention deserve the names with which Guillermo De Angelis entitles each of his works. It is there, right in that detail, when I realize that the artist leaves no reason at random. And under the appearance of a bucolic and poetic picture where the viewer is able to play and feel freely, there is the meticulous work of a photographer in the relentless pursuit of beauty.”
Cristina Requena: Art consultant and director of Artemisia , Art & Tendències’ Art Gallery.
“In the tradition of Haiku, a type of traditional Japanese poem, we can catch a glimpse of reality and truth just in the limited words with the framework of five, seven, and five syllables. If we don’t doubt that art is a struggle to present the unity between the concrete and the abstract, we can find a number of excellent examples in haikus. If you want to seek for the harmony between the physical and the metaphysical, I recommend you should enter the world of Guillermo De Angelis.”
Takuma Yoshikura: Director of GALLERY IND. gallery representative in Japan.
“Guillermo is one of the most engaged and productive artist I have ever had the pleasure to connect with via the ubiquitous format of the internet. Guillermo IS our primary artist through our gallery, constantly producing ever more stunning work, always engaged and ready to take artistic risks, ready to continue with his personal vision that is emotionally powerful. I often feel disconnected with Guillermo, but only due to geographical and language barriers. We have spoken many times, and neither of us could understand what we were saying, yet we are in tune with the magical realm of fine art photography, Guillermo's vision is magical, it cannot be ignored. It is a great privilege to support Guillermo's work through our humble efforts, it is our gift from him to us, his inspiring art and persistent vision.”
Pierre Dutertre: President, creator and co-founder in United Photographic Artists Gallery, Tampa, USA.
Maren Klemp - Fotokünstlerin aus Oslo zeigt ihre Werke an 1. April in der Galerie LIK in der Spittelberggasse 9 in 1070 Wien.
Fotos: Maren Klemp
Am 1. April eröffnet die norwegische Fotokünstlerin Maren Klemp persönlich ihre Ausstellung um 19:00 in der Galerie LIK in Wien. Melden Sie sich zur Vernissage an und lassen sie sich den Ausstellungskatalog vor Ort signieren.
Maren Klemp benutzt Fotografie als erfolgreiche Therapie! Einzigartige Fotografien mit einer wunderbaren persönlichen Handschrift der Künstlerin.
Die Ausstellung «Between Intervals» ist ein Sprung auf die dunkleren Seiten des menschlichen Geistes und besteht aus visuellen Darstellungen der Bedingungen im Zusammenhang mit psychischen Erkrankungen.
220 fesselnde Seiten. Shibari Fashion, ein Bildband von Eric Berger
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"London. Walk Around" is a Coffee Table Book of fine art prints of places of London. From Tower Bridge to London Eye, then Victoria and Albert Museum and an afternoon tea at Wellesley. A perfact day in London in August 2015.
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